
The Catcher In The Rye : Holden's Opposite Views Of Childhood And Adulthood

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The Catcher in the Rye: Holden’s Opposite Views of Childhood and Adulthood
Holden Caulfield is the main character and narrator in J. D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Moreover, Holden is a strong character because, as he tells his story, he is not afraid to speak his mind. For instance, Holden’s views of the world are thoroughly and passionately expressed throughout the novel. One of the views he expresses is the way he views childhood and adulthood oppositely. Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caufield views childhood positively and adulthood negatively.
Holden Caulfield has a simple positive view of children in The Catcher in the Rye. One can tell he idolizes childhood. Holden idolizes childhood because he believes that children are themselves and not “phony” like typical adults (Salinger, 9). He feels that children are honest and innocent. The three people that Holden idolizes for childhood aspects are Allie, Phoebe, and Jane. Allie, Holden’s younger brother who died, was the cause of Holden’s downfall. This may be because he was the person Holden idolized the most. One can see that Holden sees only the goodness of his younger sibling. Further, the reader can tell how much love Holden has for Allie when he says, “God, he was a nice kid, though. He used to laugh so hard at something he thought of at the dinner table that he just about fell off his chair” (Salinger, 38). Another aspect that allows the reader to see how Holden idolizes Allie is when he talks about

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