
The Cause Of Celiac Disease

Decent Essays

Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a disease that is characterized by an autoimmune reaction to gluten. Because of the way that the body reacts to gluten, the mucosa in the small intestine becomes damaged (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013). The mucosa is able to heal itself in the absence of gluten, so many utilize strict diets excluding gluten as a method of therapy for the disease. Celiac disease has inspired many different scientists and researchers to look into the cause of the disease and how to better cure it (Green, P. H., & Cellier, C., 2007). There are many myths and misconceptions about Celiac disease. One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that Celiac disease is a childhood disease that can be outgrown throughout the life of any given …show more content…

This is also not true. Any individual diagnosed with Celiac disease will continue to require medical and dietary supervision. The lack of gluten in the diet may cause other nutritional deficiencies, such as anemia, or osteoporosis. …show more content…

H., & Cellier, C., 2007). A strict, gluten-free diet is difficult to maintain, especially due to the high prevalence of grains as ingredients in foods, as well as the high likelihood of cross-contamination. Several scientists have been working on a new drug, called larazotide acetate, as an alternate to a strict, gluten-free diet. The drug would assist with, “accidental ingestion of gluten, but also for refractory celiac disease and continuing symptoms despite a gluten-free diet,” (Horizons for Those with Celiac Disease, 2015). This would decrease secondary symptoms of Celiac disease, such as headaches and stomach pain. Larazotide acetate works by blocking gluten proteins, which prevents them from being absorbed across the gut, which completely inhibits the debilitating immune response that occurs in those with Celiac Disease (Horizons for Those with Celiac Disease,

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