
The Causes And Consequences Of The General Strike In 1926 Essays

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The Causes And Consequences Of The General Strike In 1926

For a brief period after the First World War, Britain faced an economic boom. Workers were in a strong position and businesses were optimistic, believing that world demand for British goods would increase and trading would return to the success it had prior to the war. However, in 1920, Britain experienced their worst economic slump in history. This was caused by a poor performance in foreign markets due to the lack of reinvestment, modernisation in British industry and increased competition abroad, especially from the USA and Germany.

In response to this slump, the Government tried to stabilise the British economy by reintroducing the …show more content…

Therefore they were particularly disappointed and upset that the politicians had not done the things they said they would. Miners who had carried on working in the mines during the First World War enjoyed many improvements in their work. This was mainly because; the government took over control of the mines. Wages were increased and standardised.

Before the war wages depended on how cheap and easy there work was at each individual mine, therefore wages varied from mine to mine. Most miners hoped that all mines would remain nationalised after the war; however in 1921 Lloyd George allowed the mines to go back into private ownership. This was because the royal Commission couldn't agree on a suitable solution to the problems in the coal-mining industry. Most members agreed that mines being nationalised would be the best idea but however this did not happen. For miners, the idea was not acceptable and should have not been considered in the first place, they were already working in miserable conditions.

The government initially decided that the conflict between the mine owners and miners was none of their concern. But in 1925, the Trade Union Congress became involved and threatened to lock-out

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