
The Causes Of Christopher Columbus's Voyage To The Continent Of North America?

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In 1492, Christopher Columbus was sent on an expedition by Spain to go to India. However, Columbus' ships were misguided, and he discovered the continent of North America; specifically, what would come to be known as Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. On this new-found land mass was an already established land by the Aztecs, who had a population of around 10-20 million people.

After Columbus reported his findings back to the Spanish royalty and their advisors, they began plotting to settle on North American soil. Columbus' second voyage to the New World in 1493 established the first Spanish colony in the New World, which they named Hispaniola (this is now known as Santo Domingo). Columbus arrived to the New World with 17 ships, 1200 men, and an abundance of crops, livestock, and plant life. These were the first foreign biological entities to step foot on North American soil, which began an ecological change. The Spaniards also brought disease with them to the New World, which soon began to spread and caused a biological holocaust of sorts. Within a single generation of Columbus' death in 1506, Spaniards had explored much of South America, Central America, and southern parts of North America. Even up to 100 years after his death, Spain remained the dominant settler in North America. It wasn't until the 1580s that England was able to leave their island.

As Spaniards came in contact with North American natives, they spread disease and this triggered a

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