
The Causes Of Prohibition

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You all know that alcoholic drinks are fine when in moderation, but if you drink too much of it, things can get out of hand. The Prohibition Act of 1920, the 18th Amendment, prohibited alcohol sales, manufacturing, and the drinking of alcohol. This amendment was put into effect in early 1920. The Prohibition Act happened because people in America, mostly men, were getting drunk all day. It led to corruption, child abuse, crime, unemployment, and people were so much less safe when they were drunk. Overall, Prohibition was repealed in 1933 from a huge majority of the Senate and the House of Representatives, because the government found it hard to enforce the law, it hurt our economy due to the lack of taxes, and it created much greater crime in America. 1 reason why the government repealed Prohibition is because the government thought it was really hard to enforce that law. With 3,000 to 3,500 Prohibition Agents were there to enforce the law (Doc. C). This shows why it was hard to enforce because since there are millions of people in our country. 3,00 to 3,500 agents are not going to be able to control millions of citizens. Furthermore, Prohibition was very difficult to enforce because whenever people go past 3 miles of the coast, smugglers, bootleggers, or anybody can’t be arrested (Doc. C). This is important to making it hard to enforce the law because if a bootlegger couldn't be caught when they’re outside of U.S. borders, we can’t arrest them even if

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