
The Causes Of The Boston Tea Party

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The Boston Tea Party had aroused fury in Britain. One British official said that the people of Boston “ought to be knocked about their ears.” King

George III declared, “We must master them or totally leave them to them- selves and treat them as aliens.” Britain chose to “master” the colonies.

In 1774, Parliament passed a series of laws to punish the
Massachusetts colony and to serve as a warning to other colonies. The
British called these laws the Coercive Acts, but they were so harsh that the colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.
One of the acts would close the port of Boston until colonists paid for the destroyed tea. Others banned committees of correspondence, allowed
Britain to house troops wherever necessary, and let British officials accused of crimes in the colonies stand trial in Britain. To enforce the acts,
Parliament appointed General Thomas Gage governor of Massachusetts.

In 1773, Sam Adams had written, “I wish we could arouse the con- tinent.” The Intolerable Acts answered his wish. Other colonies

The tensions between Britain and the colonies led to armed conflict in Massachusetts.

Americans at times still find themselves called upon to fight for their principles.

This statue of Captain John Parker stands in Lexington, Massachusetts.

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immediately offered Massachusetts their support. They sent food and money to Boston. The committees of correspondence also called for a

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