
The Causes Of The French Revolution

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The French Revolution began in 1789, this was a time of pure chaos. There was not only poor leadership, but unfair rights between classes, and famine. The third estate was full of commoners and peasants. This class of people had to pay taxes with money that they didn't have and then also had to pay for other amenities. This caused a major problem when there were food shortages, causing the prices to rise. Many of the third class, peasants and urban workers, could not afford their own food, and the first estate filled with royals and the clergy, wouldn't give up a thing. The highest estates abuse of power caused them to have a negative reputation among their people. King Louis the 14th spent all of his people's tax dollars to make an extravagant palace, King Louis the 16th did the same and didn't care about what effect it could have on the third estate and their struggles, and Robespierre had power during the Reign of Terror and he executed thousands of people. Robespierre came into power during economic and social suffering, he tried to support the idea of equality, but he was very corrupt and executed any supporters of the end of the revolution. The French Revolution was caused by a compilation of negative leadership and riots among the people.
King Louis XIV was a corrupt leader and this lack of uniformity was a leading point to the French Revolution. He came into power at 4 years old. This made it obviously impossible for him to hold the lives of all of France’s people in his hands. With this obstacle, a regency council took over in his position until he was of age to make decisions. Some poor decisions were made by the council which then caused civil war and especially angered the nobles and aristocrats. This formed a sort of fear within the people that when Louis could come to power he would have a rebellious way of controlling the people and continue to take all of the power away from the people. Originally, the King was seen as a hero because he was a reformer and helped organize the government and taxes. Louis was also very cocky and didn’t see it fit for him to have a chief minister, “He viewed himself as the direct representative of God, endowed with a divine right to wield the absolute power of the

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