
The Causes Of The Haitian Revolution As A Slave Revolution

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The Haitian Revolution was the first and only successful slave revolution in the Americas. It began in 1791 with thousands of harshly exploited slaves rose up against their masters on Saint-Domingue, which at the time was the most profitable colony in the Atlantic world. By 1794, the French administration was forced to emancipate them and the decision was further enforced by the revolution in Paris. The Haitian victory challenged the established master and slave relationships throughout the Americans; it reinforced the hopes of slaves and their masters’ worst fears. Dubois weaves the stories of slaves, free people of African descent, wealthy whites, and French administrators into an unforgettable tale of insurrection, war, heroism, and victory and establishes the Haitian Revolution as a foundational moment in the history of democracy and human rights . Dubois, unlike Childs, relies on secondary sources and the published documents of prior scholars, including Beaubrun Ardouin, Pamphile de Lacroix, and David Geggus, rather than primary, archive based accounts of the revolution. The Revolution serves as a unifying force for rebels, especially those in Cuba.
Childs, using primary archival sources from Cuba, Spain, Britain, and the United States, analyzes the series of revolts that erupted across Cuba in 1812 . These revolts, collectively known as the Aponte Rebellion, sought to end the Spanish imperial rule on the island and to destroy slavery. Childs looks at the Aponte

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