
The Ceiling Art of Pozzo's Triumph of Sain Ignatius of Loyola in the Church of Saint Ignazio in Rome

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#######poorly written######Pozzo's Triumph of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is on the ceiling of the Church of Sant'Ignazio in Rome, and was painted from 1685-1694. It is approximately 56 feet by 115 feet across the ceiling, and uses a quadratura perspective to create an almost three dimensional effect. While the effect makes the center look much higher, it is actually painted on an arched ceiling called a barrel vault. This is a fresco painting, a type of coloring that made the painting integral to the construction of the building or item. Inside the Church of Sant'Ignazio, there is a single white tile indicating where the viewer is intended to stand to truly appreciate Pozzo's work. The scene illustrates many different saints and other highly viewed people, all ascending towards the sky. There is also allegorical figures of the 4 continents (America, Europe, Africa, and Asia) attached to the side of the buildings windows at the base of the painting. The scene is filled with cherubs that seem to be aiding the continents and saints. At the center of the painting, Saint Ignatius is following Christ into heaven, with beams of light coming from his body towards the four continents. The arches at the ends of the painting also add to the illusion that the center of the painting is much higher than the rest of it. Saint Francis Xavier is also shown in the work ascending towards the heavens.
In the 1600s, Rome was becoming one of the cultural hotspots in Italy. During the

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