
The Character Analysis Of Joseph Campbell's 'Cathedral'

Decent Essays

You never know what’s going on in someone else’s life until you put yourself in their shoes. Thus, to judge is ignorance. “Cathedral,” by Raymond Carver is a story that depicts the process of transforming an individual from an unfamiliar, ignorant being into an educated soul. From the very beginning, the narrator shows his loathe for Robert but over the course of the story eases into comfort with him and learns a lesson from the very one he despised. According to Joseph Campbell’s definition the narrator in “Cathedral,” is an anti-hero. He is an inglorious character who is particularly jealous and close-minded toward a blind man. Despite showing negative characteristics, provoking insecurities, and blindness, he overcomes his ego that separates him from the rest of the world. Furthermore, the narrator is a flawed character who only wants to please his wife while not giving up what he wants. Even though he is not literally blind, he displays a lack of insight that makes him blinder than Robert. He has realized that he can never escape his character, so he has chosen to embrace it. However, the narrator faces a “call to adventure,” when a blind man is coming to stay in his home. This challenge symbolizes the death of the narrator and rebirth as the hero. For example, he must overcome his self-centered needs to sacrifice for the greater good, which in essence is the hero. The narrator tries to be understanding of Robert and his blindness but

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