
The Characteristics Of Alexander Hamilton As A American Hero

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America has long been considered a great, powerful country. From its beginning, the United States had the potential to be something revolutionary. The idea of a democracy was, in the 1700’s, strange. While many men are regarded as key elements in the birth of America, one man stands out, despite his sometimes being overshadowed by fellow Founding Fathers. Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant, soldier, and the first Secretary of the United States Treasury, among his other contributions to America. He had dreams for his adopted country and was highly determined to see them to fruition and create a new, remarkable nation. Alexander Hamilton embodies the characteristics of an epic hero because he was a great warrior, he was capable of great deeds of strength and courage, and he is a national hero. Alexander Hamilton is known as a great statesman, but he also exhibited the epic hero trait of a great warrior. He volunteered to fight in the Revolutionary War, then was promoted to lieutenant colonel and aide-de-camp under George Washington. During his time as a secretary and aide-de-camp for Washington, he longed deeply for military glory. Hamilton’s traits as a great warrior are demonstrated in abundance throughout the Revolutionary War:
He commanded his guns in the battles of Long Island, helped fortify Harlem Heights, and employed two artillery pieces effectively at White Plains. He led his company throughout the New Jersey campaign and saw action at Trenton and Princeton.

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