
The Characteristics Of Athens And Sparta's War Based Culture

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Athens and Sparta share a common location on the map, a common language, and some common religious beliefs. However, there are many characteristics that set them apart. Sparta’s war based culture is in nearly complete contrast to Athens’s philosophical, and artistic based culture. Powers Within Greece The ability to serve in the military was directly associated with a person’s usefulness in Spartan society. If a baby was born with a deformity, it would be thrown off a cliff or left in the wilderness to die, because there was no use for someone who could not serve in the military of the spartan civilization. The majority of Spartan life was dedicated to preparation for war. Therefore, the education related directly to war planning as well. At the age of seven, children were taken from their mothers and placed in military school until the age of twenty. They were not given shoes, they were given very few cloths, and were made to sleep on the floor as ways to build and create toughness within each of their warriors. They were taught to take pride in enduring pain. The Spartans gained certain privileges as they grew older, but the men remained part of the military until the age of sixty. The Athenians, had a much different view as to what was most important in life and how the young should be educated than that of the Spartans. The primary purpose of Athenian education was to produce thinkers, who were well trained in the arts and sciences, yet prepared for either peace or war.

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