
The Characteristics Of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Today, when one reads English literature from the fourteenth century, the thought of an outdated and peculiar form of dialect comes to mind. While it is not appealing to the eyes, further examinations allow one to see how this type of lingo is the first step towards a modern vernacular. Geoffrey Chaucer, the author of The Canterbury Tales and Trolius and Criseyed, is considered the founder of this new dialect due to the foreign influences he acquired over his life. While this modernized writing style allows him to be one of the most notable authors of all time, Chaucer also tends to be recognized for his historical accuracy and social perspective. These characteristics are evident in The Canterbury Tales because they provide great insight into the fourteenth century’s reflections of social adaptations, controversies within the church, and equality amongst genders. Geoffrey Chaucer is an English author who was born in 1343 into an average, middle-class family. During his teenage years, he was given to opportunity to work in an aristocratic household. This living arrangement gave Chaucer the chance to observe the lifestyles of the middle and upper class and how their relationships with the lower class were. These observations created a significant impact towards his distinct writing style that comically and accurately portrayed social adaptations. Such writing styles led a group of analysts to say “Chaucer is credited with having set the style for modern English Literature”

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