
The Characters Of Beowulf And Raffel And The Canterbury Tales

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Pieces of literature are often personified reflections of what we see in the world today. They personify people or creatures to relate back to today’s life and issues. They can present an underlying message that cause people to meditate on what they read and relate it back to life. Beowulf translated by Burton Raffel and The Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer both provide examples of how old literature beliefs and ideals reflect back on today’s society and problems involving initial judgements, hypocrisy and greed, and a divide in the country.
In Beowulf, being a hero or good is associated with being strong, generous, and proud while being evil is not really about morals, it is more about fate and reputation. In the story, the main hero was named Beowulf. When Beowulf sailed to Denmark one of the first questions he was asked was who his father was insinuating your parents are a reflection of you (Raffel 13). Not only did his father have a great reputation but be had a reputation of fighting miraculous monsters and being a great leader as well. He raced against his friend Breca in the sea, fought off nine sea monsters, and managed to stay shoulder to shoulder (Raffel 25). These tales of Beowulf's adventures influenced the way people thought about him. Grendel, the demon, did not have that luxury. Grendel was introduced to the readers as the epitome of evil and starts him off by saying all was good until Grendel suggesting he was the cause of all things bad that

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