
The Christmas Carol : The Death Of Carol's Scrooge

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Based on what I read, Scrooge sounds like a old grumpy, greedy, mean man. The text states, that he grumpy and very hard to handle. Also according to the text, he doesn't really care about a lot of stuff like Christmas cause he does not get the point of Christmas. On page 1 shows how how was mean, cause a guy shows up asking for any donations for the poor, but Scrooge tells them to go stuff it, and argues that anyone who is poor can either go to jail , go to the workhouse cause he does not believe in the poor. Until three ghosts are coming cause Marley (one of Scrooge's business partners and friends cause she was a lonely fellow) comes in an reveals a couple things, “Ghosts of terrible people have to endlessly work to make the world a better place”. When Marley and Scrooge meet the freaks out , but stills manages to smart-mouth the ghost horror for a while. When the ghosts leaves Scrooge tries to shake the whole experience off, finds that he can’t, and just instead just goes to sleep. On page 4 it states that the first ghost is a ghost of the Christmas of the past. Then Scrooge and the ghost ( I don't know the ghostly name) went for a walk and, after a while Scrooge just starts to talk about the past and his depressing childhood and starts to cry. According to the text they stopped for a Christmas-vacation-spent-at-school days. The text explicitly states, that his sister is dead now, but that Scrooge nephew is her son. Then when he really telling us anything that

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