
The Circle Deceives Mea Summary

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Deception With the images of a heavenly campus and ideas of godly powers of the circle, Mae sees the power and true size of the circle. While living the spectacular life of the Circle, Mae ignores the lies and deceptions of the Circle. The Circle deceives Mae into believing lies about privacy, sharing, and technology. Although well intended, the new mindset makes Mae try to coerce her family and friends into the same ideology. The first scene in which the Circle deceives Mea is the “therapy” session. In the session, the two therapists, Josiah and Denise, deceive Mae into believing she has a self-esteem issue. The discussion starts with them questioning her about her whereabouts and her absences from events held at the circle company. She replies honestly by stating she's visiting her …show more content…

They eventually coerce her into agreeing she has self-esteem issues and her absences stem from that. Although well-intended, the therapy session deceives Mae into believing she is less than she is. Her mindset drives her to become more socially active --partying at the Circle, shopping at the Circle, and eventually living at the Circle. Her dependence on the circle makes her oblivious to the illegal activities taking place. She happily agrees to the idea of “voting” on serious issues, such as bombing countries, forcing others to go transparent while ignoring the illegal, harmful, coincidental findings on anyone against the Circle. The whole book satirizes the dependence on technology and the need for reassurance. The deception seems ridiculous; however, it helps show and emphasizes the ignorance and oblivion in life. It also creates a satirical, and even sardonic, view on technology. People are

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