
The City Of Phoenix Arizona Is Made Up Of Multiple Cities

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Who moves to the middle of the desert and expects to survive? The Metropolitan of Phoenix Arizona is made up of multiple cities. Prior to the settlement of large populations of people there was multiple free flowing rivers that fed water to not only people but to the irrigation of crops as well. With the increase of the population of people and the decrease of rain fall in the Phoenix Metropolitan area there was a deficit of water resources available to sustain the metropolitan cities. In addition, because of the decreased absence of steady rain water fall annually there had to be safe guards put in place to combat against potential flash floods. Dams were constructed and channeled water away from the original flow patterns of the rivers and this created additional problems of habitat degradation. What was once a full and vibrant ecosystem had now suffered, leaving some native animals and species of plants without a sustainable habitat. These problems were addressed by city officials and the Tres Rios Full Scale Project was hatched. It’s my belief that the Tres Rios Water Treatment initiative has created a natural and Eco-friendly way to return cleaner waste water back to the water ways of three major rivers that sustain life here in the valley of the sun. This man made wetland if you will has renewed natural habitats and created an indigenous sanctuary for Phoenix native wildlife, providing a twofold process of further treating waste water through a natural process

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