
The Civil War: Why Did They Secede For?

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The southern states had no life threatening reason for them to go against the North but they made it seem as if their life depended on it. What did they really secede for? Southerners thought that after Lincoln was elected that slavery was going to end, the government would become too powerful, and that the South would be controlled and told how they should live. As if the South had no choice in any matters, they ran from the problem instead of facing it because it could have been settled mannerly but they went ahead doing their own business like if they knew how to rule a country. Then, what happens? The Civil War starts. It began when the Confederate states whined and wanted the Union fort and soldiers out of their Confederate land even though they weren’t doing anything wrong or offense towards the Confederacy. On April 12, l861 in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter, a Union fort, the Confederates decided to open fire with cannons after the troops refused to …show more content…

Even when he made it clear that he would work to prevent slavery from spreading into any new territories and showed it by declaring slavery illegal in the western U.S. territories, the South didn’t trust him in keeping his word. Furthermore, the South’s secessions led to multiple debates that erupted on whether a new U.S. territory would be a free or slave state. The people of the Confederacy went as far as to elect their own president, which was Jefferson Davis. In their mind, they probably feared that the abolition of slavery would eventually happen if it was to be excluded from territories. Lincoln had stated that he wanted to leave slavery where it already existed because he did not want to make it illegal and increase tension as saving the Union was his top priority. But, in order to keep the southern states part of America he had to

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