
The Closet Of The Soul By Langston Hughes

Decent Essays

Langston Hughes’ poem Theme for English B, and Alice Walker’s essay In the Closet of the Soul, although written from different views, can be linked by equality and identity. They are fighting for a world, in which, the set of characteristics a person possess would not affect their status, rights, or opportunities. The following will give reason for the connection between Hughes’ poem and Walker’s essay.
Langston Hughes’ poem Theme for English B is the speakers attempt at an assignment given by his instructor. The assignment is to “Go home and write/ a page tonight. / And let that page come out of you-/ Then, it will be true” (Hughes 289, 2-5). Throughout the poem the speaker is contemplating whether truth is distorted by racism. When reading Hughes there should be an understanding of the time period in which he is based. Hughes came of age in a time of major discrimination of the Black community. He joined and helped lead the Harlem Renaissance. Alice Walker’s In the Closet of the Soul, a letter written to an African-American woman named Mpinga, who asked Walker about the criticism targeted to one of the characters from her book The Color Purple. In the letter she writes about black men having an “apparent inability to empathize with black women’s suffering under sexism” (Walker 402). She is appalled that there are some men who regret to even recognize the hardships of black women, and how some seem to be ignorant to the subject of sexism.
Walker and Hughes both include

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