
The Collective Mind In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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In today’s society, there are still flaws in how people act under the influence of a collective mind. In Sigmund Freud’s “Le Bon’s Description of the Group Mind”, Freud explains how the collective mind, or mob mindset, is a mentality in which individuals receive when in a group. Similarly, in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a novel where a group of boys are stranded on an island after the crashing of their plane, this is present for Jack, an untamable vicious character, who is antagonizing the authority of the voted ruler Ralph. Throughout the novel, Jack shows progress in developing power over Ralph’s rule, this is symbolized by through the conch shell which is used to control the group. Along with the conch regulating the boys, Jack’s violence influences the overall behaviors of his followers, making them more murderous. According to Freud's “Le bon’s description of the group mind” and the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Jack’s progression is influenced by his collective mind in the way that, he is rebellious, lacks self-control, and becomes a depraved power figure on the island. Due to Jack’s Collective mind throughout Lord of the Flies he becomes a more rebellious character. During Jack's rise to power on Coral Island he shows his dominance by raiding the other groups camp and stealing their fire. This is shown when Piggy says that “When I saw Jack I was sure he’d go for the conch. Can’t think why.”(Golding 141). The growth of Jack’s collective mind

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