
The Color Green In The Great Gatsby Essay

Decent Essays

Fitzgerald's use of colors in The Great Gatsby is important in understanding the story and every chapter. The color Green is used fairly often throughout the novel and represents growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. Green is also traditionally associated with money, finances, banking, ambition, greed and jealousy ( Through the character of Jay Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the color green to represent Gatsby’s greed and jealousy, his jealousy is towards Tom and Daisy because he loves Daisy but can't have her. In The Great Gatsby, the color Green is often used to portray Gatsby's character and feelings. It is used to show his desire and want to win back Daisy which was his only love. He already has everything else he needs in life, money, wealth and power, the only thing left is Daisy. Therefore the color green shows his never ending love and passion for Daisy, and is associated with the green light at the end of her dock. Gatsby watches this light every night, as we can interpret from the narrator, “You always have a green light that …show more content…

The green light to Gatsby stands for his love, passion and reunion with his one and only true love. But the relationship that Gatsby envisions having with Daisy are very fictional because she could never live up to what Gatsby wants her to be. From this we can infer that Gatsby is only in love with love, and dreams that his imagination will become his current reality. However, he lives in a world of darkness and deceit, where the world he dreams of would start a new life for him. Gatsby's dreams for a new reality reflect the color green because it stands for hope and desire. The “green breast of the new world” (152) is often known for its development and growth and the new

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