
The Common Man In Bolt's A Man For All Season

Decent Essays

In the play, A Man for All Season, Bolt narrates the play through use of The Common Man. The Preface of A Man for All Season, states that the play is not a straight forward narration, though more comparable to a poem. (Bolt, 1960:xvii). The Common Man comments on the action and characters in numerous asides as well as change costume on stage and indicates the locations. The asides extend the idea that The Common man’s moral character is not so detached from society’s, by removing himself from the actions he is able to conveniently disassociates himself from More’s supposed treasonous acts. This is portrayed in the following lines “I'd let him out if I could but I can't. Not without taking up residence in there myself. And he's in there already, …show more content…

In the beginning of the play, Iago confesses “I am not what I am” (Shakespeare, 2003:I.i.66). Hampton-Reeves (2010:37) argues that Iago is the self-proclaimed narrator of Othello, however, the most unreliable narrator to date. Iago’s substantial use of asides also reveals his cleverness; he is able to not only direct but also to remark on the action of the play. Iago speaks his soliloquies before Othello, this draws the audience into his point of view. Iago’s use of soliloquies supports his power of words. Shakespeare forces the audience to connive with the villain when he addresses the audience. We see Othello through Iago’s narration. The opposition between Iago and Othello supports the idea of a foreign moor being positioned higher than a white Venison. When taking into consideration the point of view established by Iago, it is clear that Shakespeare was highly influenced by the global controversy over racial differences and origin during the Renaissance (Vaughan, 1996:5). As Iago is undeniably jealous of Othello his narrative point of view cannot be trusted as it is based on a subjective vendetta that he manifested in his words and actions towards

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