
The Comparable And Contrastable Philosophies Of Kierkegaard And Kant Essay

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The Comparable and Contrastable Philosophies of Kierkegaard and Kant

In this paper, I will investigate the comparable and contrasting views of Soren Kierkegaard and Immanuel Kant. Their extraordinary journeys towards the meaning of morality and ethics is riveting, spiritual, universal, and in many ways, incredibly different. My conclusion is that though there are aspects which bind their theories together, ultimately both men possess different understandings of what morality is and how an individual ought to be moral. Kierkegaard, while exemplifying a less structured philosophical outline embeds his theory too heavily on Christian faith. This makes it unapproachable beyond a surface point with individuals of a different religious belief. On the other hand, Kant exemplifies an extremely strict structure, less associated with religion, and inclusive of universality, reason and equality. I will show how both Soren Kierkegaard and Immanuel Kant’s theories on morality contribute to the teaching of philosophy by comparing and contrasting their views. Ultimately, this paper is intended to illustrate the superiority in the writings of Immanuel Kant and his philosophical theory.

Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, credited as the “father of religious Existentialism”, formed his philosophical beliefs around Christianity bridging religiosity and morality. The ethics which emerged from the teachings of Kierkegaard circulated around his religious upbringing. In Kierkegaard’s

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