
The Concepts Of Openness As Discussed During Class

Decent Essays

Reflecting on the concepts of openness as discussed in class was very eye opening to me. The panel that came to speak in class had me reflect on things that make more sense for me now that I am grown that I didn’t realize as a child. Most of all it brought back the reason why I am a caring and loving person to all I meet in the field of teacher today.
Reflecting on the reads in the class I have learned so much. When reading the Guofang Li chapters” East is East”, I found that I know so much more about how Chinese children learn to read and write that I did not know before. Also how they are culturally. When you learn about a child’s cultural it will help you best understand the child and how best to educate the child in school. Doing so will also help with the communication with the family of the child as well. Not making an effort to find out about the different cultures or language that your children in you class have can result in a negative outcome in your classroom. Negative outcomes can say with a child all the way to adult hood. The panel that came to our class let us know just how outcomes of a teacher not learn about different cultures can be. The panel I have named by the number order they spoke to us in class 1-4. And the first Principle Open Mind was one of all of the same for all of our pantalets. Pantalets one she came to the U.S and didn’t know English and eleven years old and was assigned students to her that she may or may not knew Spanish. No one asked

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