
The Conflict Of Individuality In 1984 By George Orwell

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The year is 1984, Winston Smith, the story’s desolate protagonist, resides in a totalitarian dystopia of London, which is known only as Oceania by it’s gloomy inhabitants. Throughout George Orwell’s 1984, a battle for sense of individuality is the focal conflict for Winston. Over the course of the novel, Winston will undergo trials and tests to his underdeveloped strength of self and individuality. Orwell displays the primitive nature of self betrayal through such conflict, which results in completely altering Winston’s principal desires. The characters of 1984 experience varying levels of betrayal, ranging from mere acquaintances to intimate relationship treachery. Orwell stresses the ease of betraying oneself while crafting an appeal of betraying others. One of the earliest examples of betrayal Orwell provides is seen in the government of Oceania, the superstate in which Winston resides. The Party and Big Brother manipulate the people of Oceania into total submission, their daily lives controlled and all their choices watched. Because of this constant monitoring, the people of Oceania resort to betrayal of each other regularly to avoid confrontation with the thought police or to gain approval from Big Brother and The Party. This is a key example of the betrayal the people of Oceania are so accustomed to. In this society, it is seen as honorable to turn in a person guilty of treason towards Big Brother. Orwell reveals the drasticness of this belief through normalizing

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