
The Conflict Of Lies In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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In life, there are lots of time where people fail to take their responsibilities for what they did wrong, and cover it up with a lie. There are also times where people lie because they want something for themselves. Arthur Miller, the author of “The Crucible” recognizes the parallel between what he encountered at his trial and the Salem witch trials in 1692. Both events are a test, hence the name “The Crucible”, testing Miller and his character’s credibility of being a communist or witch. As many innocent people died due to wrong accusation, Arthur Miller wrote “The Crucible” to expose the Red Scare to public. It reveals that when a society is blindly believing the lies, it can destroy other people’s lives. There are lots of lies throughout the play, the first lie that started the series of lies is in Act I, when Abigail and the girls danced in the woods, and was caught by Parris. Abigail realized that she is in big trouble, and Betty will not wake up to help her. She blamed it on Tituba to take all of her responsibilities. The reason why people believed in Abigail is because they seek that Tituba is different from them. Tituba is a smart girl, by knowing that she won’t get out of the accusation if she denies it, so she chose to confess rather than get hanged. In similarity, Miller was questioned and scanned for any signs or characteristics of a communist. As they question him, every response that Miller gives them are doubted, they only want to hear what they think is

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