
The Contributions Of The Code Of Hammurabi

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The code of Hammurabi, a set of 282 laws written by the sixth king of the first Amorite dynasty, King Hammurabi (r.1792-1750BCE). The code established a firm set of legal laws in Mesopotamia, and helped keep order and stability throughout the reign of king Hammurabi. Under the king and his code, Mesopotamia thrived and almost all of it became united in 1759BCE after a series of successful military campaigns led by King Hammurabi. The code of Hammurabi is engraved on a 7-foot slab of basalt and it assesses agricultural laws related to trade and the growth of urbanization, social classes and gender roles relating to the loss of status for women in society, and the topics of religion and justice helping Hammurabi maintain his power and his legacy and the affect of his ideas on future civilizations.
One of the most important jurisdictions of the code of Hammurabi were the laws relating to agriculture and trade. Ancient Babylonia was located around the middle of the fertile crescent, founded on the Tigres and Euphrates rivers, which is now modern-day Iraq. The fertile crescent was a major source of agricultural development and contained many animals capable of domestication. This lead to many early civilizations settling in the areas of the fertile crescent. This enabled the Mesopotamians to thrive under the abundance of crops and grain. Hammurabi’s laws specifically cover areas of agriculture, defining rules and regulations for land ownership, destruction of property,

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