
The Controversy Of Brutus In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Point of view. It is an interesting thing when you think about it. It allows one person to see trash and another to see that same thing as treasure. It can also strike up controversy. One side may see an accident, another may see a methodical plan to ruin a life. One of these controversy’s is the case of Brutus from ancient Rome. Brutus is a patriot because he was willing to kill one of his best friends for the greater good of Rome and he saved the people from being slaves. He was a patriot and not a traitor though he tried to force Antony to be ok with what he did.

Brutus was a patriot and not a traitor, however he tried to force Antony to be ok with what he did. Brutus was not trying to force Antony to accept anything. Brutus knew how loyal Antony was to Caesar and at this point Antony was in shock and could have acted out rashly. Brutus was rather, trying to calm Antony. As seen in other stories and movies, a person is more likely to try to avenge a loved one due to their death. To help calm Antony, Brutus said: “…you’ve only seen our hands and their bloody business; you haven’t looked into our hearts. They are full of pity for Caesar.” .By saying they feel pity for Caesar, it helps Antony see that it was not easy for …show more content…

This was not Brutus’ conscience shaming him about killing Caesar. Rather it was a warning. In act 4, scene 3, the ghost appears and tells Brutus that he will seem him again in Philippi. The battle of Philippi was the battle at the end of the play where many of Brutus’ friends killed themselves, and where Brutus also killed himself. Brutus rushed the ghost off before it could inform Brutus about everything. Then Brutus realized that the ghost had something important to say and Brutus said: “Just as you go, I find the courage to talk to you. Evil spirit, I want to talk some more.”. It was then that Brutus realized that the ghost really was trying to

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