
Was President Truman Justified?

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There have been many controversies in world history. Like if the Soviets instigated the six day war to destroy Israel 's nuclear power plants or if the South Koreans provoked the North Koreans to invade them to spark the Korean War. Maybe the biggest controversy of all time was if President Truman was actually justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president from the beginning of World War Two and had to deal with a lot of the war. Shortly after the Pearl Harbor attacks Japan came at the United States with everything they had, attempting to cripple us once and for all. What they didn’t know was that, even though the United States were vastly outnumbered, they had also deployed everything they had, aircraft carriers, planes and battle ships. This was known as the Battle of Midway and after four days of fighting, the U.S. were able to cripple the Japanese well enough that they retreated. The United States destroyed four carriers, a heavy cruiser and more than 200 planes (Poolos). After this battle the U.S. had been taking different islands and been setting up command bases on them, which was called, island hopping. In the Pacific The United States had just taken the perfect island that would allow us to have good positioning to lead an attack on Japan. The United States had the Japanese pinned down. Franklin Delano Roosevelt health got so bad during his presidency on April 12th, 1945 he died. Immediately his vice president

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