
The Corruption Of The Jury System In The Jury System?

Decent Essays

The current jury system in America is unfortunately corrupt because of unprofessional jurors that are the deciding factor for cases. The “jury of our peers” system does not promote fair justice and it should be replaced with a new system of professional jurors. The current system allows random, unqualified individuals to make irresponsible decisions for our government. If unqualified jurors were replaced with professional jurors, our system would become successful. A professional system of jurors is an efficient way for justice to be decided because the current system allows jurors to be uneducated on law, inconsistent with experience, and bias based on their opinions.
A “jury of peers” is unreliable because the current system allows jurors to be uneducated in law. Consequently, when jurors do not have the proper training or information available to them, they could make rash and unqualified decisions. This is seen in the movie, “12 Angry Men” when Juror seven does not even show interest in the case because he has his mind on baseball. As a result of this, Juror eleven expresses, “What kind of man are you? You have sat here and voted guilty with everyone else because there are some baseball tickets burning a hole in your pocket.” In the film, Juror seven is only on the jury because he is obligated to be there, not because he feels like he has a responsible duty to his government. This example is a perfect display of why the whole idea of normal citizens making jury decisions is unreliable. A lot of the time in society, jury duty is looked down upon as a waste of time to normal citizens. Some jurors, like juror seven in “12 Angry Men”, just want jury duty to be over with, and do not even care about justice. Which is why professional jurors would be a much better choice for our legal system because they would understand the law and make decisions based on justice. Reasonable doubt on untrained and unqualified jurors is obvious because most jurors rely on their personal opinions in cases instead of honest facts. Consequently, an uneducated jury might cause a verdict to become unjust and ingenuine.
Jurors in our current system have inconsistencies because they either have little experience or are easily

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