
The Crucible : A Cautionary Tale Of Corruption

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The Crucible: A Cautionary Tale of Corruption In Religion The Crucible is a dramatic play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. Miller intrigues his audience with the story of the Salem witch trials, which he loosely based on real events and people from that time period. While there are many different themes at work in this tragedy, the most thought provoking of these is the theme of religion. Puritanism was a large part of everyday life in Salem and this play clearly demonstrates its effect on society back then. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible exposes the evils committed under the guise of religion and the terrible things people are capable of doing in the name of God. Abigail Williams is one of the main characters that demonstrate how immoral people can commit evil acts under the façade of religion. In the beginning of the Crucible, Abigail and several other girls are caught dancing in the woods and conjuring spells. At first, the girls accuse Tituba, a slave from Barbados, of consorting with the devil and practicing witchcraft in order to protect them from further punishment. However, the false accusations continue and more people in town are accused of witchcraft for other reasons. The Student Companion to Arthur Miller states in reference to the girls claiming to be bewitched and attacked by spirits: “Their way of life is strict and somber, and the witch trials will offer them a release of pent-up frustration and emotion. Under the guise of morality, they will be given the

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