
The Crucible Speeches

Decent Essays

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank every one of you that could make it here today especially the P&C, it has come to my attention that recently the P&C has been trying to make a decision as to whether the play the crucibles should still be taught in the senior English curriculum ,today I’m here to give you my point of view as to why the crucibles should still be taught in senior English and how some of the issues in the play still occur today in our society as of today. The Crucibles is a play written in 1953 by the author Arthur Millers, the play is set In the Puritan town of Salem Massachusetts, a group of young girls go of dancing in the forest with a black slave named Tituba. While dancing, they are caught by Abigail’s …show more content…

An example of a theocratic society today in the world is Islam, the religion is an Islam is a very theocratic religion because they have really strong belief system. The religion Islam has very strict rules for women mostly because men get freedom but if you look at it women seem to have to abide by strict rules such as covering them body or not being able to marry guys who have a different religion from them back to the play the girls are fully covered up but in today society if you were a christen and you were fully covered up you would be seen as Muslim in today society. The theocratic society back in puritan colony is very different to today Diverse society because back then girls used to be covered up but they’re not really covered up anymore because the only religion that has women fully covered up fully would have to be Islam, year 11 students can how time has changed over the years and how the church has lost power over the years and how media has started gaining power over

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