
The Crusades Causes

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Events that led to The Crusades began in the early 900’s when nomadic Muslims called the Turks brought together a large portion of the Islamic world in the east and challenged the weakened Byzantine Empire for control of the area. In the early 11th century CE Turks moved from Central Asia to the Middle East. These tribes had served as mercenaries in Islamic armies since the eighth century CE. The Sultans of this group were seeking legitimacy by using combat to occupy Islamic lands. The Seljuk Turks occupied Persia in 1030s CE and had begun to advance west. Romanus IV led the Byzantine army against the Seljuks however he was not successful. The Seljuk Turks destroyed the army and killed the emperor at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 CE. Some …show more content…

These troops reached Constantinople in 1097 CE. They advanced on Jerusalem on July 15, 1099 killing Muslims, Jews, and Christians as they toppled the city. The goal of capturing Jerusalem was met and the Latin Christian states of Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem were set up. Muslims in the region wanted to regain control and promised to wage a jihad.
The Umayyad Dynasty began with Mu'awiya of the Quraysh tribe in 661. He is considered the founder of the first Islamic Dynasty. During Muawiya's reign he moved the capital to Damascus, and was aided by the support of the Arab army. Muawiya grew his nation’s power by creating the first Muslim Navy to defeat the Byzantines in the Mediterranean.
M He was considered a great administrator and businessman. Mu'awiya was the first caliph to name his own successor successfully. He nominated his son, Yazid I as his successor becoming the first caliph to successfully do this. He had the support of his leading council and other important individuals in naming his successor largely because he cajoled, bribed, promised, and threatened his way to a peaceful transition of power before his …show more content…

The Umayyads used military force to gain political control and they governed as the Arab elite.They would only allow ethnic Arab bureaucracy and and ethnic Arab military. The Abbasid dynasty believed that their rule had been divinely sanctioned because they were members of the prophet’s family and thus had religious legitimacy.They asserted that the principle of piety and not the superiority of ethnic background or race as the Umayyad s believed. The titles they held were based on the relationship they had to God, such as, Shadow of God on Earth and God’s Caliph or al-Mahdi the guided one. Titles also included al-Mansur (the one Helped to victory by God), al-Rashid (the Orthodox). The Vizier’s office was also created at this time, he was the most trusted servant and would be in charge of military and civil affairs. His duties included the power to dismiss or appoint generals and governors at his discretion. The creation of this office created a bureaucratic hierarchy that enabled the ruler to remove himself from day-to-day affairs. This is something that was not present in the previous

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