
The Crust Research Paper

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The crust is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet or natural satellite, which is chemically distinct from the underlying mantle. The crust of the Earth is very thin compared to all of the other layers, measuring only three to five miles deep under oceanic crust. The temperature of the crust can vary from air temperature to 1600 degrees Fahrenheit. One example of how the crust relies on the other layers because the seven continents and ocean plates practically float across the mantle which is composed of much hotter and denser material than the crust. Katherine Kelley, an assistant professor at the University of Rhode Island, stated "The cycling of oxygen at the Earth's surface is central to the life and activity that takes place at …show more content…

The lithosphere is important because it sits on top of the asthenosphere which is made up of hot magma. If we did not have the lithosphere, we would be sitting on the asthenosphere, which would be impossible conditions for humans to live in. After the lithosphere, there is the asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere. There is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur. It is semi solid molten metal that causes the movement of tectonic plates. The magma is ejected from this layer during volcanic eruptions. The asthenosphere is important to the other layers because since convection occurs there, it drives plate tectonics. Following the asthenosphere is the mantle. The mantle is about 1,800 miles deep and can vary in temperatures anywhere from 900 to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. The mantle makes up eighty-five percent of the total weight and mass of the earth. The mantle is an important layer of the Earth because it adds to the gravity of the planet. The Mantle is also responsible for the movement of the Tectonic Plates over the Earth which comes from the decay of radioactive elements in the Mantle that cause the convection currents. This causes the movement of the tectonic plates. Therefore, this convection is responsible for shaping the Earth's

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