
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time And Mariah Jeremy

Decent Essays

Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and Mariah Carey’s “Hero” illustrates one of the most important themes, which is the struggle and fear of independence. To not be afraid when we are faced with overwhelming obstacles to overcome to get to our goal. When Christopher enters the train station he feels sick from the crowded smelly tunnel. The overload of information on signs throughout the tunnel causes a headache. However, he finds a solution by thinking of a puzzle to get through the tunnel. While Christopher is in the tunnel he explains his perception, “I wanted to go home but I was frightened to go home and I tried to make a plan of what I should do in my head but there were too many things to many things to look at and too many things to hear… I said to myself in …show more content…

Nonetheless, he still was able to get to London from Swindon. This quote shows the even though he was afraid, and disordered, he didn’t panic. Instead, he made a plan and found his own way of getting to the end of the tunnel. “Hero” by Mariah Carey also demonstrates the struggle of independence. “The Lyrics tell you to be strong, brave, and face tough situations. The lyrics state, “...the strength to carry on/ And you cast your fears aside/ And you know you can survive/ So when you feel like hope is gone/ Look inside you and be strong” (Mariah Carey). This song explains to not be afraid, be strong, and even if you lose hope you can get through the struggle. It tells us to put away our fears and be victorious. When Christopher had to go through the tunnel he was frightened, but he kept developing plans to get him passed the problems. In addition, Christopher shows his desire to be independent by earning an A grade on an A-level math test. He plans to prove he isn’t stupid, by further advancing his academics and use his grades to attend

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