
The Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Adicie Essay

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Single Stories are Problematic

In the world we live in now it has become easy to stereotype and create a single story about certain people and situations, whether it’s intentional or not. In 2009, a Nigerian novelist named Chimamanda Adichie gave an amazing TED talk called “The Danger of the Single Story”. A single story more or less means an incomplete or inaccurate viewpoint of a person or culture based on a story created from a single experience. When one hears the same story over and over again, we start believing only that story. Adichie claims that creating single stories is problematic and rely on power, a single story I decided to present is how people believe police officers are abusing their power, and I believe the media is at fault. For one to truly understand a story we must listen to the root of the story. Her speech made me realize and view things differently. In the “The Danger of a Single Story”, Chimamanda Adicie tells her own personal experiences of a single story and how that can become challenging. She talks about when she started reading and writing at a young age. She read British and American children 's books. When she started writing all her characters were white and blue eyed just like in the books. It wasn 't until writers Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye that she realized people like her, people of color, could exist in literature. Adichie 's says “what the discovery of African writers did for me was this: It saved me from having a single story

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