
The Dangers Of Racial Profiling

Decent Essays

Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person, based on observations of a person character or behavior (Hayle, S., Wortley, S., & Tanner, J.,
2016). Racial profiling is not a new concept; it has been a practice for quite some time. Racial profiling is quite common in the African American communities. Small groups of African American males are often the target. The act is carried out by white police officers. Although a common practice of white versus black, racial profiling may affect other ethnic groups as well. More so, racial profiling occurs when the police judge a person based on race, behavior, or group affiliation (Hayle, S., Wortley,
S., & Tanner, J., 2016). According to (Hayle, S., Wortley, S., & Tanner, J., …show more content…

Another group of people often racially profiled are the youth and homeless. Members of the two groups become vulnerable targets for police because of the way they act and dress in public. American Civil Liberty Union
(ACLU) (2016) claims that racial profiling is dangerous and could also endanger children. Children could often sometimes suffer from stigmatizing and could scar them for life. In general, the acts of racial profiling create a problem for citizens as well as causes strained relationships between the police and the community.
Evidence of racial profiling is characterized in the case, United States vs
Mendenhall, which deals with search and seizure. It occurred on February 10, 1976, at
Detroit airport, when Sylvia Mendenhall arrived and was stop by two
DEA agents. The DEA agents had been observing Mendenhall’s conduct.
While walking through the airport the DEA agents said that she resembled a person carrying drugs. The DEA agents asked her a series of questions after which they
Running page: Racial Profile Page 2 searched Mendenhall’s bag. They discovered that Mendenhall was in possession …show more content…

The court overturned the ruling stating that the suspect was not seized, when the DEA agent approach. The actions of the DEA violated the consent rule. The subject, in this case, should have been given the right to consent to a search and seizure. Failure to give the subject this right violated Mendenhall Fourth Amendment right.
Racial profiling is also evident in the case, Bennet vs. City of Eastpointe a case that took place in Eastpointe, Detroit (Boyce, 2005). The Bennet vs City of Eastpointe case involves racial profiling and a case that violates a person’s Fourth Amendment rights. According to Boyce (Bicycling while black), Eastpointe police pulled over a couple of black men that were riding on their bikes (2016). It was believed that the police pulled them over because they were black. Eastpointe police, however, claimed that they were instructed to find young black men who were responsible for many bike thefts. The court found that the defendant’s rights were violated and was not protected unreasonable search. Despite the courts rationale, the evidence did not support just cause. The defense attorney for the group of black men, sought a

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