
The Darkness Of Relationships. Relationships Are The Foundation

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The Darkness of Relationships
Relationships are the foundation of everything in this world, especially in literature. If there is no relationship present, there is essentially no story; in the short story A Temporary Matter by Jhumpa Lahiri the entire story focuses on the married immigrants, Shoba and Shukumar, and their relationship. Unfortunately, their relationship is an example of something that is commonly seen in many North American relationships. Lahiri clearly depicts them as an unhappy couple that possesses a deeply flawed marriage, and are only able to connect through negativity, irritation, and grief. This text clearly portrays an intensely damaged relationship and shows the ways in which a relationship can quickly fall apart …show more content…

On page 13 it states, “‘Okay,’ he said, remembering. ‘The first time we went out to dinner, to the Portuguese place, I forgot to tip the waiter. I went back the next morning, found out his name, left money with the manager.’” (Lahiri 13) This scene is the first night of their power being out, and Shukumar’s first “confession” to Shoba. It is about the memory of the first time they went out for dinner together, which is a happy memory for both of them. It is also a humorous confession because it is about something so simple and innocent. He finishes this confession in an adoring way, Shoba asks, “Why did you forget to tip the waiter?” (Lahiri 14) and he replies with, “By the end of the meal I had a funny feeling I might marry you.” (Lahiri 14) This shows how the use of memory brings a couple closer together and allows them to feel a similar feeling that they might have felt when they were first meeting. This is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of their relationship, meaning they are happy and the relationship is still within its innocent state. They have little to no problems between the two of them because they have known each other for such a short time. They are just beginning to fall in love, and these types of joyful memories are the kind that people love to hold onto because of all the wonderful feelings they get from them. As the nights go on, the confessions begin to change from these blissful, innocent

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