
The Death Of Man - Original Writing

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He could see her silhouette racing in front of him and nothing more. Focusing on her figure racing away from him. The forest brush was near to nothing, but a green blur. He pushed branches, and overgrowth out of his way, slowly getting further, and further away from her. They were getting close, but he didn’t know how close. Nearly tripping over his feet, he ran faster, trying to catch one last glimpse at her shadow. His legs begged for a release, and his lungs gasped for air, but he wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. Bang. A gunshot rang through the forest, and he forced himself to run faster. His legs were starting to give out, but he forced through every step. She was out of his view, and he wanted to cry out for her, but nothing but …show more content…

He was in his office, and had fallen asleep on his desk. The knocking on the door came again, and he called for entry. “Apsel, the convicts have arrived,” His assistant, and elderly woman, stepped in. He looked over at his monitor, and the light stung his eyes. Four AM. Why did they always have to be so early? But he knew the answer to it. So, the patrons working, will not get distracted, by others getting taken to confinement. The city wouldn’t be up for another three hours. Apsel stood up and stretched his tired muscles. “Alright, alright. I’m coming.” He got up from his desk and grabbed his tablet. He pulled up the file reports on the convicts, but he couldn’t focus on them. He had had that dream many times before. The running. The gunshots. The pain. He dreamt it so many times, he had the whole thing memorized. Though it never made sense. He didn’t know who was shooting. He didn’t know why they were chasing them. He did not know who screamed. The thought sent chills down his spine. Apsel went to grand hall of the estate. A big chandelier hung overhead, and match the gold of rest in the room. The room had a forced elegance to it, with the walls and tiling were white. While embroidering,on the walls and tall curtains matched the chandelier above. As he stepped down the west staircase, he found imperial guards standing behind the convicts. Both female, but one with long curly red hair, and the other had black hair that went to about her shoulders. The

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