
The Death Of The Girl Jig

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I got to an important point in the story when the girl Jig wants to have the baby, but the American person is convincing her that he only wants her not anybody else. He also wants to continue the relationship as it was before. I think Jig will not do this abortion because in 1920’s in Madrid where they were going to have an abortion was illegal, dangerous, and socially unacceptable in the community. It seems like the setting of the story was Catholic and conservative. In 1920, abortion was illegal and it was condemned as a grave evil by the church. Throughout the whole story, Jig consistently experiences uncertainty over what she wants to do with her life. A train station is not the final destination but it is a turning point. I think they both will get on the train, and they will reach Madrid. I also analyzed the theme of love in this story. At this time, the topic of love was very private and was not shown in public. Love in society has changed, as today’s society is completely different where people will show their love to each other and freely talk about it with their friends and relatives. Hemingway did a wonderful job in this story by representing the reality of this time. Jig is willing to sacrifice her own will for his; her mind and her heart is not the same at this time. The heart will tell her to keep the baby and the mind will tell her to go through operation. It is a decision between her love for him and willingness to make him happy versus her

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