
The Defense Of The State

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In Defense of the State by Josias J. Uribe

We are prisoners to time. There’s is no escape from the world we are born to, no mind can overcome the era to which we are from, to which we are beheld to. It’s that very notion of beholding that Socrates, in his own words says, that he decided not to escape. Because by his own volition he decided to live within Athens. To do so is an agreement to live by it’s rules, and thus benefit from its good. To do otherwise than obey the state would have been wrong
Socrates may not be guilty by today’s standards, but of his time he was. When considering Socrates from an objective point of view, Consider the Peloponnesian Wars had just ended around the time of his trial, That in Society today there is often tension surrounded by war times, a nervousness of battle and uprising and its no different from how the Greeks would have felt. Socrates was a revolutionist figure despite his claim of good intention, in search for wisdom. He often publicly humiliated the teachers of their society. These aren’t qualities of wisdom. The Sophists the same people who taught of their society, and the ones he, in his own words, is beholden to because it was these people who taught him in his youth. Socrates didn’t display wisdom to the fullest sense of the word, they way carried out his acts tell a different story, one of guilt. Socrates, in the Apology by Plato, is held accountable for, being an Atheist, believing in false gods,

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