
The Definition Of Sophrosune, By John M. Cooper

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The editor, John M. Cooper, helps us define “sophrosune” ( referred to as “temperance” in text) and explaining that it pertains to a well-developed consciousness of oneself and one’s legitimate duties in relation to others and the self. A “well-developed consciousness of oneself” sounds a lot like self knowledge. Socrates suggest that to talk about temperance and self knowledge is a contradiction. It is impossible to be and not be something, and with self knowledge it is impossible to know and not know. Socrates thinks that it is impossible to define self knowledge because each definition is in relation to itself. I agree that it is a difficult concept, but one that could be looked at differently so that it does not overlap.Self knowledge …show more content…

One example of this could be existence. I have knowledge that I exist and this knowledge is something that knows itself because I do not have to think about it on a day to day basis. For something to know itself, I think, it must be something that does not need a reminder. So, one could bring up any example and this model will fit. Breathing: I have knowledge that I breath to stay alive and because it just is then it is a knowledge that knows itself. Socrates then brings up the issue between what one knows versus that one knows.I do not see how this is supposed to flaw the argument when it comes to self knowledge. I think what you know and that you know can go hand in hand. Socrates suggest the example where there are two men and one is a doctor and one is not. He says we would not be able to differentiate between one who knows the particulars of his art and one that pretends or supposes that he does. Conversely, I think one would be able to distinguish a difference by asking them a series of question about their self knowledge. A man who pretends or supposes to know medicine will be one that is unable to confidently be reflective of himself as a doctor. The way I look at I look at what one knows versus that one knows is this: What I know is that I exist in this world and the

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