
The Degree Of Pain In Odysseus By J. S.

Decent Essays

In hospitals only the patients can determine whether they are in pain or the degree of pain they feel, not the medical professionals which have plenty of experience with these situations. However counterintuitive this may seem, it still stands as a rule; no matter how dramatic or how reserved the person is. This relates back to J.S. in that it is his decision whether or not to undergo surgery and no one else’s. The dilemma here is, in a sense, he is split into two people. One of these people is in a drug-induced state of a normal person and the other is a primitive lunatic. The more civilized version of J.S. seems to be the one to consult about this surgery, but the non-medicated J.S. was consulted. Even his family did not want to invoke state law which allowed them to override his decision. Free will seems to be a very important to all these people, and it should, but the well being of their loved one should take higher precedence. …show more content…

An incredible amount of trust is required so that the clause of the contract is preserved and unaffected by the peers and loved ones. Odysseus trusted his men so that they would not untie him from the ship’s mast even when he begged. J.S. explained to the medical professionals and his family that he wanted the procedure before he went into a state of tardive dyskinesia. Both of them had foresight into their conditions but only Odysseus’ crew listened and he benefited, whereas J.S. did not from being denied

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