
The Destructors Analysis

Decent Essays

Stephen Alexander Smith
Miss Shackel
AP English Literature
13 September 2017
A Changing Class System War brings chaos and death, but it also serves to change society. Graham Greene’s short story The Destructors takes place in London, England during the 1950’s, when England is slowly rising out of the rubble and devastation caused by World War II only 9 years ago. During the time before the World Wars, England had a stern social order that made it extremely difficult for someone to achieve higher social status starting from the bottom. World War II brings change to the social hierarchy, causing the rich and middle class to lose their opulence and granting the the lower classes more mobility. The characterizations of Trevor, the newest addition to the Wormsley Common Gang, Mr. Thomas, a pretentious old man, and the lorry driver, the man who drove the car that pulled down Mr. Thomas’s house, all represent different attitudes toward social hierarchy. Graham Greene uses Trevor, Mr. Thomas, lorry driver, and plot to signify different class distinctions and to display how the gang fights against previous social order. Trevor and the Wormsley Common Gang defy the materialism of the older generation and the notion that the upper classes are superior. The reader learns that the gang does not refer to Trevor by his name and instead call him, “T., as he was afterwards referred to” (Greene 116). The members of the Wormsley Common Gang understand that Trevor is the name given to

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