
The Diagnosis Of Alzheimer'S Is A Very Important Step Within

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The diagnosis of Alzheimer 's is a very important step within the disease. Diagnosing Alzheimer’s could potentially alleviate the symptoms and slow down the disease if treated properly. Tests used in diagnosing the disease are: The MMSE test, Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), CT and MRI scans.The Mini Mental State Exam is commonly used to diagnose different types of dementia. The Mini Mental State Exam is commonly used for complaints of memory problems with older individuals “The MMSE tests a number of different mental abilities, including a person 's memory, attention and language” (Richardson). This test is only the start to diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease; the MMSE test could also be used by general physician to evaluate the severity of …show more content…

Many people diagnosed with Alzheimer 's experience “aberrant motor behavior.” Aberrant motor behavior is unusual/irregular behavior from a person, also considered not normal. The person may have unusual sexual behaviors, with aberrant motor behavior. Doctors need a sure way to diagnose the disease in order for treatment or studies are done on these people. The diagnosis is an autopsy of brain tissue examined under a microscope. In addition, medical history, a physical exam, and mental status tests are used for diagnosis. Often, tests are done to rule out other potential causes of the dementia. This allows the identification of other causes of thinking and behavioral changes to be made before concluding that the patient has Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of dementia. The tests that are requested to be done include a CT and MRI scan to rule out strokes or brain tumors which could account for changes in memory and behavior. Sundowning in Alzheimer’s is a common symptom with the disease. Sundowning has been used to describe the reversal of day and night which occurs when a person has Alzheimer’s Disease (Sorrentino). When a person is impacted with sundowning they are often called “sundowners.” Sundowners will often stay up all night and doze off during the day. When a person has sundowning syndrome his or her attitude and behaviors change drastically when the sun goes down, often confusing the person. The person may seem alert and competent, but

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