
The Difference Between Winston And The Society In 1984 George Orwell

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The dedication of Winston’s mother and his sister giving up their lives in order to save Winston shows that the society in 1984 was full of control, if they want people to die, they will die. Although Winston and his family didn’t do anything wrong, there was no way for all of them to be survived. “He was out in the light and air while they were being sucked down to death, and they were down there because he was up here” (29). The difference between Winston and his mother and his sister shows that the Party had the absolute right to control who must live and who must die. This part shows that Orwell is proving how cold- blooded a society could be. In spite the fact that he was young and small, he still remembered “…she had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable. Such things, he saw, could not happen today” (30). There was no loyalty could be mentioned in Winston’s era, there was only hostility. The Party members had …show more content…

In Winston’s dream, he wandered to “…a summer evening when the slanting rays of the sun gilded the ground” (30). Mention of Winston’s Golden Country reveals his affinity to the nature. He wanted to touch and feel nature. The difference between Winston’s dream and Winston’s society reveals Orwell’s opinion on no happiness and pleasure can be found in a society with absolute control. And, in the sunset, “…the boughs of the elm trees were swaying very faintly in the breeze…” (30). The contradiction between the breeze in Winston’s dream and the vile wind in real life shows the condition in 1984 is cruel, and cold. The reason he dreamed of sunset was because he missed the old time, especially the warm environment. Orwell expresses this idea to show a despot has absolute power will abolish everything that is

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