
The Doctrine Of Salvation And Salvation

Decent Essays

This week we have studied soteriology or the doctrine of salvation. Salvation must be grounded in the work of Christ and is how God saves what was lost to sin and death and restores life. Salvation is called many things, i.e. redemption, resurrection, victory, peace, rebirth, or ransom. However, the New Testament contains two primary descriptions of salvation, the arrival of God’s kingdom and justification of the ungodly by faith in Christ. (Lecture 2). This paper will examine these two descriptions.
THE KINGDOM OF GOD Jesus began his ministry in Galilee by proclaiming that the kingdom of God and telling people that the time had come to repent because the kingdom was at hand. (Matthew 4:17, 23). This …show more content…

Paul Jesus’ work concerned adjudicating the covenant God established with Abraham which was later mediated by the law given to Moses by God. (Lecture 2). In Old Testament days, there was great emphasis on obeying the letter of the law. Jesus taught the spirit of the law. In Paul’s theology, salvation comes through God saving one from one’s sin and thereby saving one from the demands of the law. Being justified by faith in Christ rather than by one’s fulfillment of the law means being open to loving others for who they are, humans made in God’s image. (Lecture 2). The Westminster Shorter Catechism defines justification this way, “Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardoneth all our sin, and accepteth us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.” (Bird, 2013, p. 562). Justification by faith liberates us from having to “do it myself.” Christ died for us and so long as we believe that fact we have salvation. We are no longer compelled to define ourselves as good or just or true, and we are free to love our neighbor for his sake. Luther speaks to the question of works by stating, more than once, “So, also, our works should be done, not that we may be justified by them, since, being justified beforehand by faith, we ought to do all things freely and joyfully for the sake of others.” (Peters, 2014,

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