
The Economic Conditions And Financial Reporting Requirement Of Thomson Ltd Essay

Satisfactory Essays

1.Introduction This paper examines the influence including current economic conditions and financial reporting requirement to Thomson Ltd. It is an engineering company which has a large investment to mining industry. 2 economic condition the GDP growth of Australia indicates an overall downward trend from 2012 to 2015, which from about 4% in 2012 to approximate 2% in 2015. The main reason may be the decline of global commodity prices so business spending and export earnings stagnate. Specifically, the importance of iron ore to the Australian economy is self-evident. The bad economic condition exerts an negative influence on the company’s financial reports. Simply, facing an increasing competitive pressure, some companies have to reduce the price of production. On the other side, the cost remains the same so the gross profit can not hold a decent figure. You can imagine that if the competition situation in industry is very grim, there is the other way to sell the product without lowering price. The company can tell the buyer that you do not have to pay the money immediately and it is totally possible to pay after a few months!-that’s how account receivable emerges. Actually , turning from inventory to account receivable is just an expediency. The risk that the company will never receive the money always exits. In conclusion, there are three impact on financial report: the gross profit decreases, account receivable increases, inventory increases. There are some

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