
The Effect Of Diagenetic Recrystallization On Metal Isotopes

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My research primarily involves elucidating the effect of diagenetic recrystallization on metal isotopes (Mg, Ca, and Sr) in marine carbonates and evaluating their reliability as geochemical proxies to reconstruct the paleoclimatic conditions and chemical evolution of seawater through geologic period. Geochemical cycling of Mg on the earth’s surface involves transfer of Mg from continental rocks to the ocean followed by reincorporation of Mg into the lithosphere via hydrothermal exchange at the mid-oceanic ridges and through precipitation of carbonate minerals. Since the exogenic cycle of Mg is directly linked to the global carbon cycle it is invaluable for reconstructing the climatic variability (e.g. pCO2 and temperature). The Mg isotopic composition (δ26Mg) of seawater is useful to decouple long-term variability of Mg concentration and δ26Mg of the input and output fluxes to the ocean. The δ26Mg of marine carbonates is a promising proxy for seawater δ26Mg. However, diagenetic recrystallization of calcite, which is known to impact the trace elemental and isotopic composition of carbonates significantly, can complicate the carbonate-based geochemical proxy interpretation. Therefore, it is critical to quantify the diagenetic effect on the concentrations and isotopic composition of trace elements (e.g. Mg, Ca, Sr) in carbonates to facilitate accurate proxy reconstruction.

My doctoral research is focused on quantifying the effect of

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