
The Effect Of The Inevitable

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The Impact of the Inevitable Every hour of every day, somewhere, a baby is being born into this world. The family rejoices as its newborn takes its first breath and begins to cry. The beginning of life is such a wonderful and miraculous event that makes everyone happy to be a part of, however, what about the end of life? Or the inevitable as I like to call it. It may sound jaded or cynical, but it is true. Death is an inevitable part of life and we will all experience it one day. Unlike the beginning of life, death is more difficult to understand and deal with. Death results in the loss of someone and the realization that we will not live forever so each day we have with each other is precious and must be treated as such. I came to realize this at a young age when I lost my oldest brother and since then I have learned not to take life for granted and to cherish the ones you love while you still have them. I was 11 years old in August of 2001 and it was a hot summer day that had turned into thunderstorms that evening. I was sitting in the living room talking with my parents when the home telephone rang. My mother picked up the phone and I could hear another woman talking. A look of grief overcame my mother’s face as she dropped the phone and screamed. She ran towards the front door and exclaimed that my brother, Trent, was hurt and they were calling an ambulance. Details were sparse and panic had set in as we ran to the car and started towards Warsaw,

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